Sunday, June 17, 2012

Now on Facebook!

A week ago I upgraded the system software of my iPhone so that I can now get some apps that I haven't had access to before: one is these is the Facebook app. Until this year, I didn't really feel that I needed Facebook in my life, but I have become convinced this is a good way to stay in touch with some friends and family members that I don't get to see and talk with often. So I have finally joined Facebook and have put together a collection of some 30 "friends" so far, some family members (one brother and three nieces so far), some work colleagues, some Esperanto friends, some Quaker friends (some current, some old; some for which I feel strong friendship, some whom I like but don't know very well), and a few others.

Here's my Facebook profile page:

Besuch bei Ritter Tell

Unser Cabin mit Mietauto vor der Tür
Nachdem wir am Frühlingstreffen der westkanadischen Quakers in Sorrento (BC) teilgenommen haben, haben wir (Maria und ich) eine Nacht beim Viewpoint Motel in der Nähe von Salmon Arm verbracht. Dieser Motel ist Besitz vom Schweizer Andy Züst, der uns als Ritter Tell, Kantzler der Schlaraffia Kamlupsia, bekannt ist. Wir wollten diesen großen Heimburg von Ritter Tell wie auch seine charmante Burgfrau Lisa kennenlernen. Leider hat es an diesem Tag stark geregnet, was Besichtigung der Umgebung verhinderte, aber Ritter Tell hat uns vieles über das Reychsverwaltungsprogramm erzählt, und wir konnten uns in dem bequem ausgerüstete Cabin gut ausruhen, also war es der Besuch wert.

Western Half-Yearly Meeting Spring 2012

Our rental car outside Spes Bona
Maria and I spent the Victoria Day weekend (May 18 to May 21) in Sorrento, BC attending the Spring 2012 session of Western Half-Yearly Meeting. This is a meeting of Western Canadian Quakers that has been occuring twice yearly (in Sorrento every May, and alternating in Water Valley, AB and Saskatoon, SK in October) for over 30 years. I've been attending the Sorrento meeting every year for the past seven years, and Maria has accompanied me the last five times. It's a long drive 6-hour drive from Calgary to Sorrento, on the shores of Shuswap Lake, and landslides in Glacier National Park occasionally cause long waits or long detours, but we both like visiting BC, and at this time of year everything is in blossom in Sorrento, some two weeks ahead of Calgary.

Singing on Sunday night
A significant part of the WHYM program is dedicated to our business meetings, but time is also put aside for Special Interest Groups, Worship Sharing groups, Sunday Meeting for Worship and recreation. A program item that gives us great pleasure is the singing that happens every evening in the Spes Bona lounge, and everyone enjoys Family Night, when many Friends present their talents in singing and acting: my storyteller wife (Maria) always presents both a song and a story - I've uploaded both to YouTube this year.

There is a program for the children (this year coordinated by Maria) and the teens and young adults create a program of their own, many of them spending the nights tonight in teen cabanas. Maria and I usually take a simple cabana for ourselves, but because this year the Quakers shared Sorrento Centre with a group of Anglican youth, we got bumped up to a furnished (and heated!) appartment.