Mia patrin-flanka avo ĉiam voĉdonis por la Konservativula Partio en Kanado: li pravigis tion dirante ke lia patro ĉiam voĉdonis por la Konservativula Partio en Britio, kaj lia patro esti respektinda viro, do li voĉdonas « same ». Kvankam mi ĉiam opiniis tian sintenon stulta, eĉ senrespondeca, mi dum la unuaj dek jaroj post atingo de la voĉdonrajta aĝo voĉdonis por kandidatoj de la sama partio kiel mia partio, la Nov-Demokratia Partio. Mi daŭre opinias tiun partion esti pli subteninda ol la Liberalula aŭ Konservativula Partioj, sed de la fruaj naŭdekaj jaroj mi tamen ĉiam voĉdonas en federaciaj kaj provincoj balatoj por kandidatoj de alia partio, la Verda Partio. En Kanado ankoraŭ ne elektiĝis eĉ unu kandidato de la Verda Partio – eble pro tio ke la plimulto de la kanadanoj ne komprenas (aŭ ne akceptas) ke sen sana naturmedio ne eblas havi medion daŭre subtenanta la homan (kaj bestan kaj plantan) pluvivadon – kaj pro tio multaj homoj diras ke baloto por la Verda Partio estas malŝparita baloto. Tamen ne konsentas mi ... kaj pli kaj pli multaj kanadanoj : en la ĵus okazinta balotado por la kanada federacia parlamento, kandidatoj de la Verda Partio ricevis 6% de la balotoj tutkanade, 9% de la balotoj en Alberto, kaj eĉ 12% de la balotoj en Kalgario! Pluraj el miaj kolegoj ŝajne voĉdonis por kandidatoj de la Verda Partio dum tiu balotado, kaj unu (Jim) eĉ permesis ke oni metu subteno-ŝildon de la Verda Partio sur lia gazono : mi estas alkutimiĝinta trovi subtenantojn de la Verda Partio inter kvakeroj (inter la kalgariaj kvakeroj, Kitty kaj Allan estas longtempaj verdpartiaj aktivuoj) kaj esperantistoj (mi verŝajne ekvoĉdonis por la verduloj dank’ al la agado de Wally du Temple, kiu ne nur agis en la estraro de Kanada Esperanto-Asocio, la Verda Partio de Kanado, kaj la Verda Partio de Brita Kolumbio, sed ankaŭ kandidatis unufoje kiel reprezentanto de la Verda Partio en federacia balotado) sed finfine mi sentas min samopinianta kun iom granda parto de la kanada loĝantaro.
Ĝis nun mi esprimis mian subtenon por la Verda Partio nur voĉdonante por ĝiaj kandidatoj en balotadoj, sed mi nun sentas min (preskaŭ) preta subteni ĝin ankaŭ per membreco. Dum miaj 50 jaroj mi estis membro de multaj asocioj, sed neniu politika. Eble la tempo jam venis plifirmigi mian subtenon por la Verda Partio, almenaŭ por tiu je federacia nivelo (la Verda Partio de Alberto estas ankoraŭ tiom malgranda ke mi timas malŝpari miajn ege limigitajn rimedojn je grupo de « stranguloj »). Mi ricevis faldfolion kun aliĝilo antaŭ kelkaj semajnoj, kaj mi ankoraŭ ne forsendis aŭ eĉ plenigis ĝin ... sed mi pensas ke mi tion faros. Finfine, jam delonge mi kiel esperantisto nomas min verdulo ; eble jam temp’ está ke mi ankaŭ estu verdulo kiel verdpartiano.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Identity
The previous four postings have had the goal of establishing a background against which a discussion of IDENTITY might be made. According to the Swiss writer Max Frisch, whose novels (Stiller, Homo Faber, Mein Name sei Gantenbein, and Montauk) stood in the focal point of my research made while writing the honours essay required for the completion of a B.A. Honours Program in German, identity is a complex structure seen differently by the various people in our lives (as in the story of the blind men who encountered an elephant: one felt its trunk and said “An elephant is long and skinny like a snake”, another felt one of its legs and said “No, an elephant is thick and sturdy like a tree trunk”, and a third felt its side and said “No, an elephant is wide and flat like a wall”… and they were all right!). Psychologically, we all try to categorize the people we know, and we imagine that we can predict their behaviour: we do this because “knowing” what the various characters populating the drama which is our lives think and are inclined to do in given situations allows us to prepare appropriate reactions and have less stressful lives. But we cannot ever fully understand another person (perhaps not even ourselves), and so we sometimes get nasty surprises. Sometimes we think we “know” someone, and he says “But I am not that person you are describing!” as does the title character of the novel Stiller. Sometimes there are certain aspects of someone you know that you would rather not know and so you pretend they don’t exist, as did the title character in Frisch’s play Biederman und die Brandstifter, who wilfully ignores blatant evident that his new tenants are arsonists. (Dieses Theaterstück ist übrigens das erste Theaterstück, das ich auf deutsch gelesen habe.) Sometimes people develop a incorrect mental image of someone and then through their behaviour force that person to adjust his identity to fit the incorrect mental image: this happens to the title character in Frisch’s play Andorra and perhaps also to the title character of Stiller. (In Stiller wird ein in die Schweiz Einreisender als der verschollene Architekt Albus Stiller “erkannt”, aber er behauptet, er sei kein Schweizer sondern ein Cowboy aus der USA [der irgendwie Schweizerdeutsch spricht und sehr ähnlich dem Verschollenen aussieht]: zur Erklärung der Sache wird der Mann in Untersuchungshaft gesetzt, und es werden ihm viele Geschichten aus dem Leben des Architekten und auch verschiedene Personen, die mit der Geschichte des Architekten verbunden sind, vorgestellt. Monate verpassen, und endlich „gesteht“ der Cowboy, daß er der verschollene Architekt ist ... aber der Leser kann am Ende nicht ganz sicher sein, ob das Geständnis echt ist oder ob der Cowboy „gestanden“ hat, um die neuen Freunden – unter ihnen der Untersuchungsanwalt und die Frau des Architekten – zu befriedigen.)
Social identity is defined by the groups that a person associates with, and it is normal in most cultures for a person to belong to a number of different social circles, defined by employment, religion, marriage, location of residence, and common interests. The complexity of social identity is compounded for a polyglot such as myself, because through intense interaction with speakers of the various languages I have mastered I have become a man of many cultures. Resolving the differences between the various cultures I now belong to has not always been easy – I have experience the psychological distress associated with cultural confusion known as anomie – but with age, a supporting family, and a stable social environment I believe I have achieved a fairly good integration of my cultures. It is for this reason that I have chosen to start my blog with a series of paragraphs outlining my social identity in terms of the groups/cultures I associate with.
Social identity is defined by the groups that a person associates with, and it is normal in most cultures for a person to belong to a number of different social circles, defined by employment, religion, marriage, location of residence, and common interests. The complexity of social identity is compounded for a polyglot such as myself, because through intense interaction with speakers of the various languages I have mastered I have become a man of many cultures. Resolving the differences between the various cultures I now belong to has not always been easy – I have experience the psychological distress associated with cultural confusion known as anomie – but with age, a supporting family, and a stable social environment I believe I have achieved a fairly good integration of my cultures. It is for this reason that I have chosen to start my blog with a series of paragraphs outlining my social identity in terms of the groups/cultures I associate with.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Who am I? (last chapter?)
Estas ankoraŭ multaj faktoj pri mi eventuale menciindaj, inter ili (a) ke mi estas kaŝubologo, (b) ke tradukinte pedagogian gramatikon de la laŝucida lingvo (en Esperanton), partopreninte ok konferencojn pri saliŝaj kaj najbaraj lingvoj, kaj verkinte grandan eseon pri la morfosintakso de la ahtna lingvo, mi estas iagrada spertulo pri indiĝenaj lingvoj de Nordameriko, (c) ke mi scias ludi la fluton kaj (iom) la pianon, (ĉ) ke mi vizitis ĉiujn landojn de okcidenta kaj centra Eŭropo pli grandaj ol Andoro krom Irlando kaj Portugalio, (d) ke mi estas filatelisto, kvankam mi jam de dudek jaroj malofte trovas tempon ordigi miajn poŝtmarkojn, (e) ke mi estas iom bona amatora fotografo kaj havas milojn da diapozitivoj, kiujn mi ŝatus iam digitigi, kaj (f) ke kvankam mi estas precizema kaj scias bone ordigi kaj klasigi dokumentojn, mi ankaŭ estas iom neordema kaj prokrastema.
I could probably go on for many more pages describing who I am, but that is not why I created this blog, so I’m tying off this thread now. If it becomes unraveled and extended at some future point, so be it. But for now I’d like to just start writing about my recent experiences and then putting down my thoughts about this and that, in one language or another. Kiel legantoj sendube jam rimarkis, mi estas poligloto kaj facile ŝanĝas de unu al alia, precipe se temas pri Esperanto kaj la angla. Ich kann mich ziemlich frei in deutscher Sprache ausdrücken, aber ich verwende diese Sprache in meinem Alltagsleben recht selten und muß daher im Wörterbuch ab und zu nachschlagen um sicher zu sein, daß meine Sätze grammatisch korrekt sind, was die schriftliche Äußerung meines Gedankenstroms verhindert. Daher werde ich wohl vor allem nur dann in diesem Blog auf Deutsch schreiben, wenn ich Ereignisse in deutscher Sprache – z.B. bei der Schlaraffia – schildern will. I choć rozmawiam codziennie z żoną po polsku i mogę się swobodnie wyrażić tym językiem w rozmowie, nigdy nie miałem większe potrzeby pisać po polsku, więc nie rozwinąłem zwyczaju się pisemne wyrażić tym językiem. Dlatego wątpię, czy polszczyzna często się jawie w tym blogu. {Hmm, that wasn’t actually so hard; maybe I will try to write in Polish from time to time. On the other hand, maybe those last two sentences were full of errors and someone will blast me for this ;-) }
I could probably go on for many more pages describing who I am, but that is not why I created this blog, so I’m tying off this thread now. If it becomes unraveled and extended at some future point, so be it. But for now I’d like to just start writing about my recent experiences and then putting down my thoughts about this and that, in one language or another. Kiel legantoj sendube jam rimarkis, mi estas poligloto kaj facile ŝanĝas de unu al alia, precipe se temas pri Esperanto kaj la angla. Ich kann mich ziemlich frei in deutscher Sprache ausdrücken, aber ich verwende diese Sprache in meinem Alltagsleben recht selten und muß daher im Wörterbuch ab und zu nachschlagen um sicher zu sein, daß meine Sätze grammatisch korrekt sind, was die schriftliche Äußerung meines Gedankenstroms verhindert. Daher werde ich wohl vor allem nur dann in diesem Blog auf Deutsch schreiben, wenn ich Ereignisse in deutscher Sprache – z.B. bei der Schlaraffia – schildern will. I choć rozmawiam codziennie z żoną po polsku i mogę się swobodnie wyrażić tym językiem w rozmowie, nigdy nie miałem większe potrzeby pisać po polsku, więc nie rozwinąłem zwyczaju się pisemne wyrażić tym językiem. Dlatego wątpię, czy polszczyzna często się jawie w tym blogu. {Hmm, that wasn’t actually so hard; maybe I will try to write in Polish from time to time. On the other hand, maybe those last two sentences were full of errors and someone will blast me for this ;-) }
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Who am I? (part 3)
Schlaraffe: Knappe 59 der Rocky Mountania
Als vor einem Jahr mein Freund Allan Simon, den ich schon mehr als zwanzig Jahren als begeisterten Esperantisten kenne, erfuhr, daß ich als diplomierter Germanist gut deutsch kann, hat er mich zu einer Sitzung eines deutschsprachigen Männerbundes eingeladen. So fand ich mich an einem Dienstagabend mitte November 2007 bei einer Sippung des Schlaraffenbundes Rocky Mountania. Die Schlaraffen sind Mitglieder der Schlaraffia, eine 1859 in Prag gegründete Vereinigung zur Pflege von Freundschaft, Kunst und Humor, und ihre Zusammenkünfte werden nach festgelegtem Zeremoniell in Form eines Ritterspiels abgehalten. Das hat mich sehr gefallen, und die Teilnahme and deutschsprachigen Zusammenkünften erbietet mir eine Gelegenheit, meine deutsche Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern: deshalb komme ich seit Januar dieses Jahres regelmäßig zu den Sitzungen der Ortsgruppe in Calgary (die Rocky Mountania). Nachdem ich an sieben Sippungen als Pilger teilgenommen haben, bin ich als Knappe (d.h. anfangenden Mitglied) von der Ortsgruppe aufgenommen werden, so heiße ich jetzt Knappe 59 (der Rocky Mountania). Wenn ich weiter regelmäßig an den Tätigkeiten der Gruppe teilnehme, werde ich vielleicht in dieser Winterung (d.h. bis April) Junker. Nachdem man ein paar Jahren Junker ist, kann man Ritter (d.h. voller Mitglied) werden, aber darauf eile ich mich nicht. Wie gesagt, ich betrachte die Teilnahme an den Schlaraffensippungen als eine Gelegenheit, meine Deutschkenntnisse zu erfrischen, und dabei macht es mir eine große Freude, meine schon lange existierende Interesse für die deutschen Mundarten und für die deutsche Mundartliteratur aufzufrischen. Deswegen bringe ich immer wieder meinen Mitsassen der Rocky Mountania Lieder und Gedichte aus der deutschen Mundartliteratur vor, und wenn ich gut auswähle, d.h. wenn diese Beiträge lustig sind, zumindest etwas verständlich sind, und nicht allzu lange dauern, dann sind die Sassen der R.M. dankbar dafür.
Employee of MapTown Ltd.
On moving to Calgary in June 2005, after three years of work as a night auditor in the Courtyard Marriott of Niagara Falls and several semesters of teaching linguistics at Brock University (at the same time!), I knew that I wanted to find a different line of employment and was optimistic that in this boomtown something suitable could be found. Alas, this was not as easy as I hoped, but finally the social network we established here paid off: one afternoon, my stepdaughter Agnieszka called to say that she had seen a "Help Wanted" sign in the window of a downtown store specializing in the sale of maps and travel paraphenalia: MapTown. She knew I was well travelled and loved working with books and treasures of the human spirit, so she strongly encouraged me to get down to MapTown right away and get an application in right away. Intrigued by the thought of there being a whole store dedicated to the sale of maps I, for perhaps the first time in my life, took Agnieszka's advice and hustled downtown. I presented myself to the store manager, Martin Shutt, and indicated my interest in applying for the position advertised. He merely glanced at my resume but brought me "a little quizz" to fill out which turned out to be a six-page examination of my knowledge about geography, travel, and related subjects. It took me a good half hour to fill in all the answers I could, after which Martin went through my paper, telling me the answers to the questions that had stumped me ... and offered me a job! I was to start the following Monday, the 30th of January (2006). Since then I have sold thousands upon thousands of maps, charts, travel books, GPS's, and other map-related paraphenalia. I have manned booths at trade shows for MapTown, have taken responsibility for closing the store most days, and taken over a large part of the ordering and receiving of our travel maps and books. (Today I learned that in a few months I will also have responsibility for the activities of our wholesale division, filling in for a colleague who is going on maternity leave.) Working at MapTown gives me great pleasure, for it provides a thinking man's environment - the number and variety of maps we have available is enormous and the needs of our customers are extremely diverse (and all too often not clearly articulated!), which provides many challenges - while working directly with the public and earning a modest but still decent wage. And yet, unlike in the university environment, we workers at MapTown are under much less stress: we do our best to satisfy each customer, but we have no extra-curricular meetings, no need to put in overtime for marking or research, and we feel no obligation to coddle customers with unrealistic expectations. Having less stress gives me more life satisfaction and better health - what more could I want?
Als vor einem Jahr mein Freund Allan Simon, den ich schon mehr als zwanzig Jahren als begeisterten Esperantisten kenne, erfuhr, daß ich als diplomierter Germanist gut deutsch kann, hat er mich zu einer Sitzung eines deutschsprachigen Männerbundes eingeladen. So fand ich mich an einem Dienstagabend mitte November 2007 bei einer Sippung des Schlaraffenbundes Rocky Mountania. Die Schlaraffen sind Mitglieder der Schlaraffia, eine 1859 in Prag gegründete Vereinigung zur Pflege von Freundschaft, Kunst und Humor, und ihre Zusammenkünfte werden nach festgelegtem Zeremoniell in Form eines Ritterspiels abgehalten. Das hat mich sehr gefallen, und die Teilnahme and deutschsprachigen Zusammenkünften erbietet mir eine Gelegenheit, meine deutsche Sprachkenntnisse zu verbessern: deshalb komme ich seit Januar dieses Jahres regelmäßig zu den Sitzungen der Ortsgruppe in Calgary (die Rocky Mountania). Nachdem ich an sieben Sippungen als Pilger teilgenommen haben, bin ich als Knappe (d.h. anfangenden Mitglied) von der Ortsgruppe aufgenommen werden, so heiße ich jetzt Knappe 59 (der Rocky Mountania). Wenn ich weiter regelmäßig an den Tätigkeiten der Gruppe teilnehme, werde ich vielleicht in dieser Winterung (d.h. bis April) Junker. Nachdem man ein paar Jahren Junker ist, kann man Ritter (d.h. voller Mitglied) werden, aber darauf eile ich mich nicht. Wie gesagt, ich betrachte die Teilnahme an den Schlaraffensippungen als eine Gelegenheit, meine Deutschkenntnisse zu erfrischen, und dabei macht es mir eine große Freude, meine schon lange existierende Interesse für die deutschen Mundarten und für die deutsche Mundartliteratur aufzufrischen. Deswegen bringe ich immer wieder meinen Mitsassen der Rocky Mountania Lieder und Gedichte aus der deutschen Mundartliteratur vor, und wenn ich gut auswähle, d.h. wenn diese Beiträge lustig sind, zumindest etwas verständlich sind, und nicht allzu lange dauern, dann sind die Sassen der R.M. dankbar dafür.
Employee of MapTown Ltd.
On moving to Calgary in June 2005, after three years of work as a night auditor in the Courtyard Marriott of Niagara Falls and several semesters of teaching linguistics at Brock University (at the same time!), I knew that I wanted to find a different line of employment and was optimistic that in this boomtown something suitable could be found. Alas, this was not as easy as I hoped, but finally the social network we established here paid off: one afternoon, my stepdaughter Agnieszka called to say that she had seen a "Help Wanted" sign in the window of a downtown store specializing in the sale of maps and travel paraphenalia: MapTown. She knew I was well travelled and loved working with books and treasures of the human spirit, so she strongly encouraged me to get down to MapTown right away and get an application in right away. Intrigued by the thought of there being a whole store dedicated to the sale of maps I, for perhaps the first time in my life, took Agnieszka's advice and hustled downtown. I presented myself to the store manager, Martin Shutt, and indicated my interest in applying for the position advertised. He merely glanced at my resume but brought me "a little quizz" to fill out which turned out to be a six-page examination of my knowledge about geography, travel, and related subjects. It took me a good half hour to fill in all the answers I could, after which Martin went through my paper, telling me the answers to the questions that had stumped me ... and offered me a job! I was to start the following Monday, the 30th of January (2006). Since then I have sold thousands upon thousands of maps, charts, travel books, GPS's, and other map-related paraphenalia. I have manned booths at trade shows for MapTown, have taken responsibility for closing the store most days, and taken over a large part of the ordering and receiving of our travel maps and books. (Today I learned that in a few months I will also have responsibility for the activities of our wholesale division, filling in for a colleague who is going on maternity leave.) Working at MapTown gives me great pleasure, for it provides a thinking man's environment - the number and variety of maps we have available is enormous and the needs of our customers are extremely diverse (and all too often not clearly articulated!), which provides many challenges - while working directly with the public and earning a modest but still decent wage. And yet, unlike in the university environment, we workers at MapTown are under much less stress: we do our best to satisfy each customer, but we have no extra-curricular meetings, no need to put in overtime for marking or research, and we feel no obligation to coddle customers with unrealistic expectations. Having less stress gives me more life satisfaction and better health - what more could I want?
Monday, October 20, 2008
Who am I? (part 2)
Esperanta vivo
Mi estas esperantisto. Mi eklernis Esperanton aŭtodidakte per la lernolibro Teach Yourself Esperanto aŭtune de la jaro 1976, eklegis tekstojn verkitaj Esperante post vizito al ekspozicio de la Esperanto-Klubo de Victoria somere de 1977, ekparolis nialingve dum konversaciaj kunvenoj de EKV printempe de 1978, kaj fariĝis flua parolanto de Esperanto dum plurmonata vojaĝado en Eŭropo somere de 1978. De post tiam mi vigle partoprenas la vivon de nia komunumo, inter alie kiel TEJO-volontulo en la Centra Oficejo de UEA, redaktoro de TEJO Tutmonde, Alumeto, Esperanto Update, kaj Lumo, retpoŝta instruanto per Senpaga Kurso kaj Meznivela Retkurso Gerda Malaperis kaj instruanto en surlokaj meznivelaj kursoj en Vankuvera regiono kaj Pollando, Komitatano de TEJO kaj UEA, Estrarano de TEJO, Junularo Esperantista Kanada kaj Kanada Esperanto-Asocio; por ĉi-lasta mi servis kiel Redaktoro, Sekretario, Vic-Prezidanto kaj Prezidanto. Mi kaj mia edzino Maria, kun kiu mi konatiĝis dum la Jubilea Universala Kongreso de 1987 en Varsovio, estas gastigantoj de la Pasporta Servo jam de dekok jaroj.
Member of the Religious Society of Friends
I am a Quaker. In 1989 I started attending meetings for worship of Victoria Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, and after six months of attending these meetings I asked for membership in VMM, a request that was granted after due consideration. For ten years I attended VMM meetings regularly, putting particular effort into giving life to the Western Communities Worship Group and serving VMM on its Religious Education and Finance Committees. In 2000, a career opportunity took me and Maria to Buffalo (New York), where we attended meetings for worship with Friends of Orchard Park Monthly Meeting and Pelham Executive Meetings. When my great career opportunity vanished in the summer of 2001, we moved to St. Catharines (Ontario), and I requested and received sojourning membership with Pelham Executive Meeting. At this time I also began service with Home Mission and Advancement Committee of Canadian Yearly Meeting, a service completed only this past August (2008). In 2005, Maria and I moved to Calgary, where I started regular attendance of meetings for worship of Calgary Monthly Meeting, and feeling myself well accepted into this community I asked for my membership to be transferred from VMM to CMM in the spring of 2006. Since then I have been an active member of the Friends' community in Calgary, more or less regularly attending weekly meetings for worship, monthly meetings for business, and regional gatherings in Sorrento (WHYM Spring 2006, 2007, 2008), Saskatoon (WHYM Fall 2005), Water Valley (WHYM Fall 2008), Camrose (CYM 2005, 2008) and Winnipeg (CYM 2006). I have been serving on CMM's Meeting for Ministry and Counsel since the fall of 2005 (as clerk since fall 2007) and this fall had the priviledge of serving as Registrar for Fall WHYM.
Mi estas esperantisto. Mi eklernis Esperanton aŭtodidakte per la lernolibro Teach Yourself Esperanto aŭtune de la jaro 1976, eklegis tekstojn verkitaj Esperante post vizito al ekspozicio de la Esperanto-Klubo de Victoria somere de 1977, ekparolis nialingve dum konversaciaj kunvenoj de EKV printempe de 1978, kaj fariĝis flua parolanto de Esperanto dum plurmonata vojaĝado en Eŭropo somere de 1978. De post tiam mi vigle partoprenas la vivon de nia komunumo, inter alie kiel TEJO-volontulo en la Centra Oficejo de UEA, redaktoro de TEJO Tutmonde, Alumeto, Esperanto Update, kaj Lumo, retpoŝta instruanto per Senpaga Kurso kaj Meznivela Retkurso Gerda Malaperis kaj instruanto en surlokaj meznivelaj kursoj en Vankuvera regiono kaj Pollando, Komitatano de TEJO kaj UEA, Estrarano de TEJO, Junularo Esperantista Kanada kaj Kanada Esperanto-Asocio; por ĉi-lasta mi servis kiel Redaktoro, Sekretario, Vic-Prezidanto kaj Prezidanto. Mi kaj mia edzino Maria, kun kiu mi konatiĝis dum la Jubilea Universala Kongreso de 1987 en Varsovio, estas gastigantoj de la Pasporta Servo jam de dekok jaroj.
Member of the Religious Society of Friends
I am a Quaker. In 1989 I started attending meetings for worship of Victoria Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, and after six months of attending these meetings I asked for membership in VMM, a request that was granted after due consideration. For ten years I attended VMM meetings regularly, putting particular effort into giving life to the Western Communities Worship Group and serving VMM on its Religious Education and Finance Committees. In 2000, a career opportunity took me and Maria to Buffalo (New York), where we attended meetings for worship with Friends of Orchard Park Monthly Meeting and Pelham Executive Meetings. When my great career opportunity vanished in the summer of 2001, we moved to St. Catharines (Ontario), and I requested and received sojourning membership with Pelham Executive Meeting. At this time I also began service with Home Mission and Advancement Committee of Canadian Yearly Meeting, a service completed only this past August (2008). In 2005, Maria and I moved to Calgary, where I started regular attendance of meetings for worship of Calgary Monthly Meeting, and feeling myself well accepted into this community I asked for my membership to be transferred from VMM to CMM in the spring of 2006. Since then I have been an active member of the Friends' community in Calgary, more or less regularly attending weekly meetings for worship, monthly meetings for business, and regional gatherings in Sorrento (WHYM Spring 2006, 2007, 2008), Saskatoon (WHYM Fall 2005), Water Valley (WHYM Fall 2008), Camrose (CYM 2005, 2008) and Winnipeg (CYM 2006). I have been serving on CMM's Meeting for Ministry and Counsel since the fall of 2005 (as clerk since fall 2007) and this fall had the priviledge of serving as Registrar for Fall WHYM.
Who am I? (part 1)
Born May 14 (1958) in Victoria, the capital of British Columbia (Canada), I received the name Paul Stanley Hopkins from my English-born father Stanley and my Alberta-born mother Sheila. At present, I live in Calgary together with my Polish-born wife Maria. Also living here in Calgary, in their own homes, are my step-daughter Agnieszka, my brother Allan, and my sister Doreen with her husband Steve and three daughters (April, Michelle, and Samantha).
After graduating from Belmont Secondary School in the Western Communities of Victoria (1976), I took my first degree at the University of Victoria, a first-class B.A. with Honours in German and a Major in Russian (1980). After spending two years travelling, teaching and doing volunteer work in Germany and the Netherlands, I took my second degree at the University of Waterloo, an M.A. in German language & literature (1984). After completion of this second degree, I studied German and Romance linguistics at the University of Mannheim for a year and then worked for two years towards a doctorate in linguistics at Simon Fraser University, but was unable to complete the degree program. Instead, after living in Poland for a year, I came back to the University of Victoria and there completed first an M.A. in linguistics (1991) and then a Ph.D. in linguistics (2001).
After graduating from Belmont Secondary School in the Western Communities of Victoria (1976), I took my first degree at the University of Victoria, a first-class B.A. with Honours in German and a Major in Russian (1980). After spending two years travelling, teaching and doing volunteer work in Germany and the Netherlands, I took my second degree at the University of Waterloo, an M.A. in German language & literature (1984). After completion of this second degree, I studied German and Romance linguistics at the University of Mannheim for a year and then worked for two years towards a doctorate in linguistics at Simon Fraser University, but was unable to complete the degree program. Instead, after living in Poland for a year, I came back to the University of Victoria and there completed first an M.A. in linguistics (1991) and then a Ph.D. in linguistics (2001).
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